It ain’t nuclear weapons that ends the world. No zombies. True love kills humanity.
A few years ago, Blood Bound Books took a chance on me and published my horror hospital thriller, MERCY. Mercy is a catharsis about my experience fighting cancer turned into a metaphysical horror story. It’s something I’m still processing and will probably never be done processing. The book is a surreal spiritual journey made by William Saint who only has a few days left to live. In that time, he discovers the run-down hospital is possessed, and the demons feed off the sickness. He must cleanse it, resolve his past and come to terms with his death not to survive but to save his soul.
To help promote the book, Blood Bound Books asked me to do a gory story for their anthology, D.O.A III. I was featured with Ketchum, Little and even Lloyd Kaufman, whom I later interviewed for What Are You Afraid of? Podcast and took to calling, Uncle Lloyd. I’d had an idea about a dating website that matched everyone in the world with their perfect love and what would happen because human nature couldn’t handle perfect love. It ends the world. The story is about the designer, a lonely guy, who is on trial for crimes against humanity. This is a fun story, and I loved writing it.
Her eyes never broke contact from mine as she swung the corkscrew. It slit my cheek, and the salty taste of my own blood surprised me. I still couldn’t believe she’d done it. I’d never seen January swat a fly, and I paused, nearly stunned when she swung again.
The Broken Hearted by T. Fox Dunham from Dead on Arrival III – Blood Bound Books
Recently, the story was beautifully narrated by Spencer Dillehay on the Don’t Fall Asleep Podcast along with other selections from the book. I will have links below. You can listen to the full story at this link or watch the Youtube video below. I love the caption: THE DATING APP THAT ENDED THE WORLD.

The DON’T FALL ASLEEP podcast features dark fiction narrated by Spencer Dillehay and produced by Blood Bound Books. Help us support these amazing authors by sharing the video and donating to the podcast. Available on Spotify, Apple, Stitcher, and more:

Core Values: Hope. Faith. Charity
Blood Bound Books is excited and grateful to celebrate ten years of publishing the best dark fiction from authors around the globe.
Buy this amazing anthology at Amazon.
D.O.A. III: Extreme Horror Anthology Paperback
Have you seen A Serbian Film? How about Salo? Martyrs? You ain’t seen nothing yet! After six years and more than fifty authors, Blood Bound Books completes the Unholy Trinity D.O.A. III, featuring stories from Bentley Little, John Skipp, Kristopher Triana, Shane McKenzie, John McNee, Wrath James White, Jack Ketchum, Ed Lee, and more You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll vomit
Experience a new type of extreme horror—blood, guts, and a story