Before I moved into genre writing, I wrote many literary stories lacking a speculative element. I emulated my writing heroes: Salinger, Hemingway, Capote. I switched mostly to genre work because I wanted to get paid and found a lot of success in horror; however, I do not consider myself a horror author. I plan to return to my literary roots. At least some of those publications are still in print and listed below, though the majority of my literary work was published in magazines that are no longer available.

Walking to the Otherworld with the Blind Fox was published in this anthology of literary travel stories called Trip of a Lifetime.
What is your idea of the trip of a lifetime? Is it flying off to parts unknown? Traveling through parts of Europe? Lounging on a sandy Caribbean beach? Or do you prefer to stay closer to home and travel through your imagination? Sometimes the trip of a lifetime can be the one you never expected to take. And sometimes a trip becomes quite memorable for the wrong reasons.
In this collection of short stories, poetry, and non-fiction, you will find our contributors’ ideas of the “trip of a lifetime.” Perhaps you’ll find your own ideas in these pages, or perhaps we’ll spark the desire for you to go out and make your own memories!

Published in The Storm is Coming, my story, Prisoners of Storms and Tides is an emotional literary piece set during a chaotic storm.
In this collection of short stories, poetry, non-fiction, and images, you will find the range of approaching storms, and the range of emotions involved in such cataclysmic events. Within these pages you will find Mother Nature on the warpath in the form of tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and vengeful plants. You will find storms approaching in the form of an abusive spouse, a fed-up spouse, and the downtrodden. You will find murder and suicide. But as is always the case after a storm passes, you will also find life beginning anew.

STORY: Cherry Blossoms Never Die (HISTORY WWII)
SYNOPSIS: Two sailors overcome their differences in the sea during the battle of Midway
PUBLISHER: Raging Aardvark Publishing
New Sun Rising: Stories for Japan is an anthology of stories, flash fiction, poems, haibun, haiku and artwork and photography donated by over 60 creators from all over the world to support those in Japan still affected by the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami and earthquake. All monies go the Japanese Red Cross. This anthology was prepared by an international team of volunteers and includes the donation of a poem in German with English translation by award-winning Austrian poet and writer, Friederike Mayröcker. Greg Mc Queen, founder of 100 Stories for Haiti and 50 Stories for Pakistan says this: “You’re holding a book that beat the odds. A book made from determination. From compassion. And by holding it – buying it – reading it – telling others about it – you stand with the writers and artists who created it: ordinary people who watched the lives of strangers destroyed and decided that they needed to help.” Celebrate with us Japan and its people.

STORY: Take me Fishing Poppy
SYNOPSIS: The true story of my shared battle with cancer with my grandfather.
PUBLISHER: Silver Boomer Books
From the Porch Swing continues in the tradition of Silver Boomer Books’ anthologies, written in Past Present Tense seasoned with Future Present insights. As we recall Mimi, Grandmom, Granny, Grandma, Gonnie, Lola, Mammuccia or simply Grandmother – as we reclaim the security of standing beside Pop, Poppy, Papa, Apa, grand-pre, PawPaw or Grandfather, we celebrate life – its continuity and connectivity – and grasp the grandeur. One hundred eight authors from Dallas to London, from Calgary, Canada, to Kraaifontein, South Africa, we honor our heroes, our grandparents, and gloat of our grandchildren. Celebrate yours with us as we share memories of our grandparents.