My story, Survival Instinct, is now available from Horrific Scribblings. Is survival cowardly? Would you sell your soul if it meant more time? Don't answer that so quickly. You think you know. Horrific Scribblings is a new horror publisher from California editor/author L. Andrew Cooper. Andrew's goal is to create an archive of quality horror…

Souls travel in flocks, Santiago thought, leaning on the back wall in the hospital room, by a box of rubber gloves hanging from the wall. The aroma of rubber glove powder and salty cafeteria food churned his stomach. He slipped a mint from his pocket into his mouth.
It ain't nuclear weapons that ends the world. No zombies. True love kills humanity. A few years ago, Blood Bound Books took a chance on me and published my horror hospital thriller, MERCY. Mercy is a catharsis about my experience fighting cancer turned into a metaphysical horror story. It's something I'm still processing and…

While compiling my by-no-means complete list of anthologies, I realized I had accrued many horror anthologies. Instead of overwhelming my readers, I decided to move a subsection of anthologies to a separate page. This page lists one of my favorite genres to write for: Zombies. And alas, no one does zombie anthologies anymore. …

Long before The Street Martyr, I was a new author looking to make a name for myself and to build a body of work. I wrote a lot of flash fiction, short stories with a quick kick and bite. Off the cuff, I wrote a flash piece about an extreme misfit called Louie who packed…