My story, Survival Instinct, is now available from Horrific Scribblings. Is survival cowardly? Would you sell your soul if it meant more time? Don't answer that so quickly. You think you know. Horrific Scribblings is a new horror publisher from California editor/author L. Andrew Cooper. Andrew's goal is to create an archive of quality horror…

O most honored Greening Force, You who roots in the Sun; You who lights up, in shining serenity, within a wheel that earthly excellence fails to comprehend. You are enfolded in the weaving of divine mysteries. You redden like the dawn and you burn: flame of the Sun.” – Hildegard von Bingen, Causae et Curae Originally published in Still Point Arts Quarterly.…

Souls travel in flocks, Santiago thought, leaning on the back wall in the hospital room, by a box of rubber gloves hanging from the wall. The aroma of rubber glove powder and salty cafeteria food churned his stomach. He slipped a mint from his pocket into his mouth.

Scones were the first thing I ever baked, and I make them for my birthday every year.

I make these oatmeal cookies as part of my annual Christmas cookie bake.

I found joy at Christmas after being the first to survive a rare form of lymphoma. And that joy has never left me.

My recipe for making spicy cardamom cookies.

Last year we made a pumpkin cake roll with cream cheese icing for Halloween, and it was the perfect dessert to serve with coffee while handing out candy.

At Halloween, I celebrate the symbols of death because after decades of trying, I still can’t control it.

Halloween 2022 has many delights. It's a combination of the scary, the fall, the pagan closing of the year and relief from the summer heat--and this summer burned brutal in Lancaster, PA. This year, we expected summer to hold on far into October as it had the previous few years, but we were pleasantly surprised…